A comprehensive workshop in Sri Lanka aims to enhance entrepreneurial skills with the goal of increasing the number of entrepreneurs in the country.

03rd August 2024 (Saturday) @ Green Valley Resort | Kurunegala

From 8:30am to 5:30pm

Take your enterprise to the next level and enhance the entrepreneurial skills in Sri Lanka


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Online Business Advisor (Pvt) Ltd, known as "Business Advisor," is pleased to introduce the 'Business Day' program. This initiative aims to elevate entrepreneurial skills in Sri Lanka, offering insights into proper business commencement, idea cultivation, venture success, product development, sales, marketing, technology integration, and streamlined business operations. Commencing in Kandy and expanding across Sri Lanka, with future plans to reach Sri Lankan diaspora in other countries, the program also welcomes participation from the social media community for knowledge enrichment. Our overarching objective is the cultivation of robust entrepreneurs in Sri Lanka through ongoing, nationwide workshops.


Previous Events

- Business Day @ Kandy -


- Business Day @ Galle -



Guest Speaker

Dr. Rohan Pallewatta


Resource Persons









Compere by : Nisala Nanayakkara




To be performed

8.30 A.M To 8.50 A.M

Registration, Ticket Checking, Photoshoot

8.50 A.M To 9.00 A.M

Lighting The Oil Lamp.

9.00 A.M To 10.00 A.M

Mr. Viraj Henegedera - How to Survive in Your Business and Growth Strategies

10.00 A.M To 10.30 A.M

Tea Break

10.30 A.M To 11.30 A.M

Mr. Malinda Alahakoon - How to Transform Your Business Environment with Technology

11.30 A.M To 11.40 A.M

Sponsor Announcements

11.40 A.M To 12.30 P.M

Dr. Rohan Pallewatte - How to Add Value to Your Product and Enter the International Market

12.30 P.M To 1.30 P.M


1.30 P.M To 2.30 P.M

Mr. Yasas Hewage - How to Create Your Identity and Brand in Your Business

2.30 P.M To 2.40 P.M

Sponsor Announcements

2.40 P.M To 3.40 P.M

Mr. Ajith Perera - How to Think Differently and Create Your Own Empire

3.40 P.M To 4.10 P.M

Tea Break

4.10 P.M To 5.30 P.M

Q & A Session and Meet Up of Resource Persons 



Resource Persons & Agenda bottom


Rs. 6000/=

Guest Speaker 
Dr. Rohan Pallewatte - How to Add Value to Your Product and Enter the International Market

Resource Persons
Mr. Viraj Henegedera - How to Survive in Your Business and Growth Strategies
Mr. Malinda Alahakoon - How to Transform Your Business Environment with Technology
Mr. Yasas Hewage - How to Create Your Identity and Brand in Your Business
Mr. Ajith Perera - How to Think Differently and Create Your Own Empire

Compere by : Nisala Nanayakkara

The Event

Organized By
Online Business Advisor (Pvt) Ltd


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